Lately though I've been feeling extremely unfit. Ok I feel fat. Like I should be in an aquarium at SeaWorld fat. A friend of mine in Vancouver swears by Bikram yoga and has been doing it for two years almost everyday. She has an amazingly toned and fit body so I was convinced to give it a try. She assured me that doing this regularly changes your body. I was just hoping to not cause a scene in a roomful of strangers. The memory of the time I took Disco Step Aerobics comes to mind. Eugh.
Upon arrival I see a long line of mostly very toned and fit people wearing very very little - just sports bras and tiny spandex shorts. Like this lady below:

The class is 90 minutes long and the room is heated to 37 degrees C so the less you wear the more comfortable you will be. I keep my yoga pants and tank top on for now. After I get in shape though the sequined hotpants are coming out. Mwahahaha.
The room is extremely bright and unbearably hot. I haven't even unrolled my yoga mat yet and I feel faint. My friend advises me to get a spot next to the glass door that leads outside. I do a feel a cool breeze wafting ever so gently from it. Bliss. I really hope I don't throw up in a pile on the carpet which some people end up doing.
I won't lie, it was hellish and uncomfortable. I hate sweating and it was literally dripping off of me and every single person in that room. I am also out of shape and painfully non-limber. I forced myself to go through all the poses and tried my best to not vomit, even though I had quite a few nauseous and dizzy spells. A few people just lay on their mats for awhile because they felt so dizzy. By the end I felt like passing out. I bought some delish coconut water at the front desk and death was averted. For now.
My friend advised me that I should go as often as possible to not lose momentum. I have to admit I felt amazing afterwards. But maybe that was just the relief of getting out of that horrendously hot room. I was sandwiched between three sweaty hairy men who did what looked like the "downward" dog inches away from my face.
When I got home I felt so good that I turned my nose up at the pot of delicious spaghetti, the box of maple cream cookies AND the bag of two-bite brownies. I ate an orange instead and felt smug. A shame there was no one around to witness.
I hope to go from this:

To this:

I have a set of passes so I will definitely be going back and will be monitoring my progress over the next two months. I have about seven to ten pounds to lose before I am no longer fit to be head-hunted for the SeaWorld aquarium.
Bikram Yoga College of India
2681 West Broadway
Vancouver, BC Canada V6K 2G2
(t) 604 742 3830
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